
韦德体育app官网’s industrial and systems engineering degree puts you way ahead of the pack in the job market.

Industrial and systems engineers help organizations design and streamline their processes, 最大化他们的产出, 并达到他们的最高潜力. Our industrial and systems engineering degree might have a similar effect on your career. 位于被称为“自动化巷”的世界级工业区,” 韦德体育app官网 has state-of-the-art industrial and systems engineering centers and labs on campus with a focus on Industry 4.0, plus robust partnerships with global corporations that are headquartered nearby. 工程和制造业的雇主, 供应链, 计算机技术, 卫生保健, 能源, 航空, 模拟, 机器人, and other high-growth sectors actively seek our students for full-time and internship positions. An industrial and systems engineering degree from 韦德体育app官网 provides you with a rigorous academic foundation, along with hands-on workplace experience that may lead directly to your first industrial and systems engineering job.

Industrial and systems engineers help organizations design and streamline their processes, 最大化他们的产出, 并达到他们的最高潜力. Our industrial and systems engineering degree might have a similar effect on your career. 位于被称为“自动化巷”的世界级工业区,” 韦德体育app官网 has state-of-the-art industrial and systems engineering centers and labs on campus with a focus on Industry 4.0, plus robust partnerships with global corporations that are headquartered nearby. 工程和制造业的雇主, 供应链, 计算机技术, 卫生保健, 能源, 航空, 模拟, 机器人, and other high-growth sectors actively seek our students for full-time and internship positions. An industrial and systems engineering degree from 韦德体育app官网 provides you with a rigorous academic foundation, along with hands-on workplace experience that may lead directly to your first industrial and systems engineering job.


在我们深厚的行业联系和我们优秀的毕业生之间, 韦德体育app官网 has earned a reputation as a prime source of industrial and systems engineering talent. Employers routinely start recruiting our industrial and systems engineering majors before graduation.

Our industrial and systems engineering degree helps you stand out in the job market because it offers:

  • 独特的职业机会. 在知名行业中拥有独一无二的合作伙伴关系, our industrial and systems engineering degree offers extraordinary opportunities for internships and other workplace experience. 你将会加强你的简历, 接受高级培训, and develop professional polish that makes a huge impression on potential employers.
  • 实用、结果导向的教学. Our industrial and systems engineering degree takes you way beyond textbook theory. You’ll get an applied education that emphasizes hands-on projects in real-world settings, 使用相同的行业4.0 processes and technologies as professional industrial and systems engineers.
  • 一流的设施. You’ll take most industrial and systems engineering courses in 韦德体育app官网’s state-of-the-art Engineering Center, 2014年开业. You can also get involved in industry-sponsored engineering projects at campus facilities such as the Sharf Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Lab, 产品生命周期管理实验室, 人体工程学和人类行为实验室, 和波利·利恩研究所.
  • 特殊的能力. Our industrial and systems engineering degree is led by authorities in industrial and systems engineering. 有些人有多年的行业经验, and most are actively involved as consultants or research partners with industry.
  • 个性化的支持. 虽然我们足够大,拥有一流的设施, 韦德体育app官网 features small industrial and systems engineering classes that ensure lots of student-faculty interaction. You’ll develop one-on-one relationships with mentors who support your academic success and offer strong guidance for your engineering career.



工业和系统工程师有广泛的职业选择. 而其他工程学科往往有特定的应用, 工业和系统工程几乎可以为任何业务增加价值. Your professional challenges may span multiple continents (such as coordinating an international 供应链) or be confined to a single building (streamlining the procedures in a surgical facility or an automobile assembly plant).

Common areas of responsibility for industrial and systems engineers include:

  • 生产管理
  • 质量控制
  • 运营管理
  • 人体工程学和人为因素
  • 数字化与先进制造
  • 供应链与物流
  • 信息系统


韦德体育app官网’s industrial and systems engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. 必修课程包括工程、物理和高等数学. Professional industrial and systems engineering coursework covers subjects such as:

  • 统计及经济分析
  • 运筹学
  • 人体工程学和人为因素
  • 质量控制
  • 计算机模拟
  • 制造系统
  • 数字企业
  • 产品生命周期管理
